Ophthalmologist in Beverly Hills and Lawndale, CA
About Hecht Eye Institute
Trusting your vision to a refractive surgeon is a very serious decision. There are many factors each patient has to consider. Having a skilled refractive surgeon to guide you through the process saves time and gives you peace of mind. After a thorough review, Dr. Hecht will sit with you and explain every aspect of your corrective laser eye surgery.
Corrective laser eye surgery is safe, quick and almost always painless. Millions of Americans have successfully received corrective laser eye surgery and Dr. Hecht is a leading refractive surgeon in Southern California.
Meet Dr. Matthew Hecht

Dr. Matthew Hecht is a warm, trusted, skilled ophthalmologist and a provider of cutting-edge vision restoration. Specializing in eye surgery, eye health and vision care, Dr. Hecht provides every aspect of eye and vision care from screenings to eye surgery.
Dr. Matthew Hecht is a refractive surgeon, which means that he is a specialist in LASIK eye surgery and cataract eye surgery.
Essential Facts
- M.D. University of Minnesota
- Minnesota Medical Foundation Scholarship
- University of Hawaii, Honolulu – Internship
- University of Nebraska Medical Center – Residency
- University of Southern California – additional training
- Certified to perform VISX procedures
- Certified to perform Allegretto procedures
- Certification to perform LASIK
- In Toronto, studied under leading ophthalmologist Dr. Jeffrey Machat.
- Dr. Hecht has extensive post-doctoral training in LASIK procedures with leading refraction surgeons in the U.S.
- First refractive surgeon in the South Bay to surgically place phakic intraocular lens implants for the severely nearsighted.
- Fluent in Spanish, Dr. Hecht donates his time and skill to senior citizens and those in need in Central America
Dr. Matthew Hecht gives a brief history of his upbringing and how he came to love his occupation at the Hecht Eye Institute. Dr. Hecht performs many kinds of surgeries including LASIK and cataract surgery and has numerous examples of his successes.